Animated PSA to equip communities with the tools to address youth drug-use and overdose

Subtropic partnered with Snap Inc. with the technical assistance of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) to make a difference. Bringing the conversation to Snapchat’s teen audience through a thoughtfully planned Snapchat Story on the Snap Policy “Heads Up” profile titled “Be a True Friend.”

Starting the Conversation

In 2022, 22 teens died of overdose every week, on average. And every week, dozens more teens lost a friend to accidental drug overdose. Their lives are irreversibly affected by the rise of substances like fentanyl, without a known solution or place to start to remedy the issue.

Subtropic, Snap Inc., and the ONDCP carefully crafted an animated PSA—with the help of a teen focus group—positioned as a peer-to-peer conversation, with the intent to help teens start the conversation amongst their circles and introduce them to the CDC Health Communications Specialist coalitions formed by their peers to equip their communities with the tools to address youth drug-use and overdose.

Be a True Friend

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Subtropic Studios


Riya Plam
Creative Director

Journey Whitaker
Creative Lead, Copywriter

Julie Moon
Motion Designer

Snap Inc.

Jillian Corozzo
 Lead, Global Public Policy & Partnerships


DFC Program Office

DFC Youth Prevention Champions


CDC Health Communications Specialist

Entry Team Credits